The dark house

The night waits
I don’t know for how long

The house is around me
It is old
It waits for a longer time then the night

I have to do something
I think
But what is it

I wait until I know
What and how
And why again

The paving stones, cold
Beneath my feet
And me too

There was outside once
A text on the wall
An angel on the stone roof

I never saw it
Maybe dreamt it
In love with a statue

There also was someone out there once
Who cried, but didn’t knock
Long ago, I think

The house is around me
It is old
It waits, with me

The house is narrow
Neither door nor window
Maybe concealed

Should I
Search and delve
For the exit

The loose earth
Behind tile and wall
Gives new life to my juices

I just thought that
I think…
…I forgot.

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